Terms & Conditions
By enrolling yourself or your child into either the West End Summer Experience or Smash School you accept these terms and conditions and sign your agreement to them as an ongoing agreement between yourself and Smash Arts Theatre Company.
The Agreement is made between the parent and or/guardian on behalf of the participant and is valid at all times whilst the participant is enrolled in any activity held by Smash Arts Theatre Company. If the participant is older than 18 years of age they can enter into the agreement with Smash Arts Theatre Company on their own behalf.
These terms and conditions are in relation to Smash Arts Theatre Company’s West End Summer Experience and Smash School.
Once payment (or part-payment) has been made there are no refunds – you have committed to the Project or Term and have taken a place from another participant.
Smash School: We require half a terms notice if you no longer wish to continue with certain classes or leave Smash completely. This must be given in writing by the end of the term/half term break. If a new half term or term has begun we will take notice from the following half term.
All fees must be paid prior to the start of term unless agreed with Smash Arts Theatre Company.
West End Summer Experience/Musical in a Week: A £60 deposit will be required to secure your place after our audition day with the remaining balance due on or before the date specified on your confirmation email . Failure to pay will result in the exclusion of the participant from the show/project. Smash Arts are more than happy to arrange payment plans.
The fee does not include meals, show tickets or transportation which remains your responsibility.
Participants must be available for all the rehearsal and performance dates and must be fully committed for the entire project (minus days off)
By attending any Smash Arts Theatre Company event you agree to us using your or your child’s image for social media and marketing purposes.
Participants may be required to wear their Smash Arts T-shirt for any photo shoots or press related opportunities. If this t-shirt gets mislaid and the participant is unable to wear it when requested they may be unable to take part. Extra t-shirts will be available to purchase but we will be unable to guarantee stock.
Under no circumstance may participants take any costumes, set or props from the venue. Any costumes, set and props must be treated with the utmost respect. Majority of the costumes, set and props will be hired and do not belong to Smash Arts, you may therefor be liable for any unnecessary damage.
For the safety of everyone involved participants will be unable to attend the West End Summer Experience without completing a registration form disclosing any medical conditions or existing injuries along with emergency contact details.
Please be prompt for registration as all warmups are mandatory to ensure the health and safety of all our participants. Any participation in the West End Summer Experience is at the participants own risk.
Due to the nature of dance it may be necessary for our team to use physical contact when training young dancers and performers.
Please make sure every participant has read and understood Smash Arts’ code of conduct. Smash Arts Theatre Company do not tolerate bullying of any kind. Any offensive or abusive behaviour will be taken extremely seriously and may result in the participants exclusion from the production.